Also in 2025...
In collaboration with 'The Vagrant Muse' we are very happy to announce our latest venture 'The Muses of Dionysus' (see what we did there?). Our first production in this new partnership will be the gripping play 'Lungs' by Duncan Macmillan which will have its premiere as part of Chichester Fringe. More details and tickets will be on sale soon, stay tuned!
"I could fly to New York and back every day for seven years and still not leave a carbon footprint as big as if I have a child. Ten thousand tonnes of CO2. That's the weight of the Eiffel Tower. I'd be giving birth to the Eiffel Tower".
In a time of global anxiety, terrorism, erratic weather and political unrest, a young couple want a child but are running out of time. If they overthink it, they'll never do it. But if they rush, it could be a disaster. They want to have a child for the right reasons. Except, what exactly are the right reasons? And what will be the first to destruct – the planet or the relationship?
Performed by Sarah Palette & Robert Tremayne